We are the largest FDC childcare service in the Northern Rivers and one of the largest in NSW.
We have been operating since 1980, expanding from Lismore up to Tweed Heads area. Our resources are unmatched, and includes toy libraries, a fleet of buses, four playgroup venues, training facilities, two coordination offices, resource library and more.
How Does Family Day Care Work?
Family Day Care provides quality care in home like environment. Your Educator gets to know your child and your family in a way that a childcare centre cannot. A small group of children means your child will receive one to one attention whenever it is needed. FDC is ideal for babies and toddlers starting childcare for the first time.
Family Day Care is a personal and nurturing form of childcare that takes place within the educator’s home. Small groups of children are cared for by educators who are registered and trained professionals. All our Family Day Care childcare environments are carefully selected and monitored on an on-going basis.
When you arrive at your Family Day Care, you are greeted every day by the same experienced professional Educator.
Siblings stay together in Family Day Care. They are not separated into different rooms according to age. Older school age children can use the same Family Day Care that their younger siblings use for before or after school and during school holidays.
Family Day Care can be very flexible, providing childcare at night and weekends. We have Educators in many locations, often close to where you live or work. Family Day Care can also be very affordable when compared with Childcare Centres.

Helpful Information For Parents, Carers And Guardians
We have provided the selection list below to assist you to find the information you require.
If you need further assistance please contact us.
What Types Of Care Are Available?
Because Family Day Care Educators have no more than four children under school age, or up to seven under 13 years (including their own), they are able to offer individual attention to each child in their care. It is our general policy that our FDC Educators will have a maximum of three children less than two years of age.
Therefore, older brothers and sisters may be in care before and after school, maintaining the family atmosphere. Child Care Subsidy (CCS) and Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) are available for all types of childcare in accordance with Centrelink requirements.
Full Time Care
When the days and hours are permanent and ongoing.
Casual Care
When the days and hours are not known on any given week.
Rostered Care
Is applicable when a families work commitments are on a rotating roster basis. Please discuss your roster with the office to confirm eligibility for absences covered by CCS.
Before and After School Care and School Holiday Care
Available for school children under 13 years as part of Family Day Care, In Home Care (see below) or in selected schools where we operate. Click here for more information about Outside Of School Care.
Emergency Care
Is required as a ‘once only’ for a family in a crisis situation. Approval for this type of care is granted by the Nominated Supervisor on a case by case basis. Special reduced fees may be available through Centrelink for families experiencing short-term financial difficulties.
Back-up Care – Can be provided by another Registered FDC Educator if required while your regular Educator is either on leave or is sick. It is the responsibility of the parent to contact the office and request what care is required during this time.
Relief Care – A registered Relief Educator may provide childcare from the home of the primary FDC Educator, subject to the consent of parents and the primary Educator. The standard of care and supervision is the same.
In Home Care
In Home Care is an education funded by the Australian Government Department of Education. It is designed to help families who have no access to existing childcare services or families whose circumstances mean that existing childcare cannot meet their needs.
In Home Care (IHC) was introduced in June 2001 as a flexible form of child care designed to accommodate the needs of families for whome other forms of Australian Government approved child care is not suitable. Unlike other child care types, IHC is only available to a child who meets certain eligibility criteria as prescribed by law. Click here for more information about In Home Care.
What Areas Are Covered By Our Service?
All FDC Educators registered with Northern Rivers Family Day Care are monitored by our large team of Coordinators who visit on a regular basis. Outreach as well as the township located FDC Educators are provided with the opportunity to attend playgroups and participate in organised excursions.
We currently have FDC Educators in the following areas:
Banora Point
Casino North
East Lismore
Fawcett Plains
Gays Hill
Lismore Heights
Ocean Shores
Skennars Head
Spring Grove
Tweed Heads South
West Tweed Heads
Fee Information/CCS
Click here for Family Day Care Fee Schedule.
Priority Of Access Guidelines + Wait List Arrangements
Click here to download for Priority of Access Guidelines for Child Care Services.
Latest Family Bulletin
Click here to view/download our latest Family Bulletin.
Educational Leader Insert
Click here to download our Transition to School Eduational Leader Insert.
Helpful Links
For immunisation information:
Medicare Australia
tel 1800 653 809
www.human services.gov.au
To register for Child Care Subsidy and to obtain CRN’s (Customer Reference Numbers).
Family Assistance Office
tel 136 150
www.human services.gov.au
Raising Children Network – The Official Australian Parenting Website from Newborns to Teens.
Raising Children Network
NSW Health
Australian Children’s Education and Quality association
Starting Blocks – Your first step into early childhood education and care
YWCA – Goonellabah
HOME – Social Futures
Good For Kids | Parents
The Children’s Hospital at Westmead
Kids and Traffic Early Childhood Road Safety Education Program
Kidsafe – Child Accident Prevention Association of Australia
Department of Education
Home – NSW Department of Education
Get Up and Grow – Healthy Eating and Physical Activity for Early Childhood
Department of Health | Get Up & Grow: Healthy Eating and Physical Activity for Early Childhood resources
Department of Communities and Justice – NSW Government
Circle of Security Parenting Training
Tresillian Family Care Centres
Australian Hearing
Immunise Australia Program
The Child Support Agency
Child Care Application Procedure
application -> educator interview -> enrolment appointment
1. Fill out our online application form and submit, or print out the form, complete the details and submit by post or fax.
2. We will then contact you to let you know we have received your application.
3. We will advise you when we have found a suitable educator to meet your childcare needs.
4. You will then be able to organise a time that is convenient to meet and interview the available educator/s.
5. When you decide to go ahead with a childcare arrangement we will proceed with the enrolment. Please complete the relevant enrolment form for submission at your enrolment appointment (see below).
You will need to bring the following items to your enrolment appointment:
Proof of Immunisation (History statement)
Parent Photo Identification
Centrelink CRN (Customer Reference Numbers) for Parent/Carer claiming Child Care Subsidy (CCS) and children using care
Any current relevant court documents
Current health management plans if you have one
$30.00 cash/cheque/EFTPOS enrolment fee
About Our Educators
Our Educators are dedicated professionals who care for children in the Educator’s own home, or at an approved venue, with the support of a large specialist team. Our service encompasses the Northern Rivers Area of New South Wales. Educators have a great responsibility, and so our selection and training procedure must also be very professional. This is what all parents and guardians would expect.
Northern Rivers Family Day Care provide comprehensive initial training to Educators. Our training is offered with a flexible approach, blended, online and face to face, at the Tweed Heads and Lismore Office. Northern Rivers Children’s Services believes in the provision of professional development opportunities. Up to date training has been shown to increase the quality of services provided, promote a professional attitude, and motivate change to compliment the growth of our organisation and the options of care for parents/caregivers and children.
Our Family Day Care Educators (Carers) have the opportunity to work with children 0-5yrs only, school age children only, or a multi age group.

Northern Rivers Family Day Care acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the Land we live and work. We value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ unique spiritual and cultural connection to the Lands, Waterways, and the communities throughout the Bundjalung Nation.
Our vision for reconciliation is for all people to stand unified in an equal, fair, and inclusive future, where everyone has the opportunity to reach their full potential.
We will continue to respectfully explore the histories, perspectives, ways of being, cultures and identities of the First Peoples of Australia and commit to building collaborative partnerships within our local community.
We aim to extend knowledge and embed inclusive practices that are authentic and meaningful across our Family Day Care services.
We recognise and respect families and communities as children’s first teachers and will work together for the best outcomes of all Jarjums.
As Early Childhood Educators, we value and nurture all children. We walk together to encourage and teach our children as they are our leaders of tomorrow.