Career opportunities are available now with Northern Rivers Children’s Services.
Do you have experience caring for young children? Would you like to work from your own home or an approved venue? Did you know there are now opportunities to job share with a friend or family member and that you can care for your own children while still earning an income as a FDC Educator?
About Our Educators
Our Educators are dedicated professionals who care for children in the Educator’s own home, or at an approved venue, with the support of a large specialist team. Our service encompasses the Northern Rivers Area of New South Wales. Educators have a great responsibility, and so our selection and training procedure must also be very professional. This is what all parents and guardians would expect.
Northern Rivers Family Day Care provide comprehensive initial training to Educators. Our training is offered with a flexible approach, blended, online and face to face, at the Tweed Heads and Lismore Office. Northern Rivers Children’s Services believes in the provision of professional development opportunities. Up to date training has been shown to increase the quality of services provided, promote a professional attitude, and motivate change to compliment the growth of our organisation and the options of care for parents/caregivers and children.
Our Family Day Care Educators (Carers) have the opportunity to work with children 0-5yrs only, school age children only, or a multi age group. Northern Rivers Family Day Care is also recruiting Relief Educators for busy areas.

Northern Rivers Family Day Care does not charge any registration or management fees. However we do provide Educators with many services and materials free of charge, including:
All relevant and necessary information to conduct your child care service.
Regular visits from your assigned FDC Coordinator who is qualified to assist you with all aspects of the care and education of young children.
The opportunity to attend our wonderful playgroup sessions and excursions with free transportation by scheme buses.
Free induction training and mentoring provided.
Access to Registered Relief Educators to keep your business running during your holidays or breaks.
Access to interest free loans to assist you in the purchase of essential toys and equipment.
Processing of weekly attendance records and deposit of Child Care Subsidy.
Promotion and advertising of FDC in your local community and beyond.
Access to our free toy and equipment library.
Access to our website.
Access to online resources.
No other FDC service can provide this range of professional, extensive and free support in the Northern Rivers area.
Northern Rivers Children’s Services welcomes applications from Indigenous Australians and people from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.